Data for Good

All about the Data Driven NEIPA

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Published on
August 14, 2024

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[vc_custom_heading text=”From hard numbers to the smooth taste of the perfect NEIPA” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner]

The first fully data-driven beer is a reality.
In a collaboration between Uiltje Brewing Company and Data Science Lab, the perfect – data driven – New England India Pale Ale has been developed. Would you like to taste the beer? Would you like to taste this beer to see if this is indeed the perfect NEIPA beer for you?
You can order the Data Driven NEIPA from the Uiltje Brewing Company website here. How did the beer recipe come about? Through web-scraping, characteristics are extracted from the flavor descriptions of beer reviews.
These characteristics are eventually reduced to different categories through coding.
These include: beer style, average score, hop flavors and aromas, , bitterness, sweetness, caramel, fruit types, et cetera.
From this, a data file is created after which a model is created to determine the perfect flavor combination.
This is not about the highest scoring characteristic but entirely about balance.
The results were shared with the brewers at Uiltje who were able to translate this into a recipe derived entirely from this data analysis.
Using the right combinations and proportions makes this NEIPA next level. Want to know more? We wrote two blogs about the beer.

And check out the video where the experts speak.


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