"Real-time coaching feedback improves effectiveness of sailing simulator training programs"

DutchSail wants to stimulate and facilitate participation in (sea) sailing campaigns such as The Ocean Race, the Youth Americas Cup, Vendée Globe with the ultimate goal of Dutch participation in the Americas Cup. DutchSail also facilitates youthful talent in (professional) participation in non-Olympic and offshore sailing competitions. Last but not least, DutchSail is a connecting factor for stakeholders such as sailors, sponsors, knowledge institutions and governments.
Data Visualization, Python, Grafana, Kafka
Data Engineering - Data Science & AI
The goal-driven data solution
The foundation DutchSail makes the connection between professional sailing, sustainability, youth training, innovation and government. They want to prepare sailors as well as possible for the Americas Cup, for that they train in an AC-40 Simulator. Together we are developing a real-time dashboard that allows coaches to track their sailors’ performance in the simulator. The system accurately collects all important data from training, such as steering behavior and sail adjustment. Coaches immediately see where their team can improve and can thus make their training more focused. Through reliable data collection, sailors get exactly the feedback they need to get better.
“The experts at Data Science Lab helped us streamline our dataflowby looking at the broader picture as well as solving the difficult IT issues we had, with their help we explored the possibilities of data analysis in sailing.”

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