"Developing an automated and efficient validation and publication pipeline in GitLab"


The Dutch healthcare system is one of the best in the world. Everyone contributes to it through taxes and the mandatory basic insurance. This way, we can all—young, old, healthy, or sick—count on receiving good care when we need it. Zorginstituut Nederland works on behalf of the government to ensure that everyone in the Netherlands has and continues to have access to quality care.


Zorginstituut Nederland


ML Engineering - CI/CD


Data Science & AI - Data Engineering



The goal-driven data solution

In the KIK-V program, chain parties in nursing home care collaborate. The goal is to streamline the exchange of accountability data between information-requesting parties and care providers, focusing on the quality of nursing home care and operational management.

Through CI/CD pipelines, the KIK-V project can scale better and more sustainably, contributing to controlled releases of KIK-V products. This project addresses the need for relief for care providers and promotes the sustainability and coherence of the KIK-V program.

“Data Science Lab acted quickly and gained a clear understanding of our needs for developing an automated pipeline.”

Thamar Brouwer
Teamcoordinator Control KIK-V - Zorginstituut Nederland

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