Data Strategy

What is a good data strategy?

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August 14, 2024

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[vc_custom_heading text=”What is a Data Strategy?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_row_inner column_margin=”default” text_align=”left”]


The possibilities with data are endless.
The transition to a data-driven organization is undoubtedly on the agenda, but where exactly should you start?
We see many companies struggling with this.
You have ambitions and set goals, but do you have an appropriate strategy?

Why a data strategy?

The use of data and the developments of advanced analytical techniques in our world are increasing at a rapid pace.
No one can deny that the impact of using data on the world around us is huge.
But surrounding this transition, and data itself, is also a fog of ignorance and unfamiliarity.
Developing a data strategy is therefore essential to keep up with developments, set the course, and create value from data for your organization.
A data-driven organization is the future, in our opinion.

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What is a good data strategy?

We regularly get the question, what is a good data strategy?
For that, we must first answer the question, what is a data strategy?
There is no single definition, but in our view, a data strategy is an ability to use the data provided to achieve set goals.
One way to achieve these goals is by mapping your current situation and a data roadmap.
Together, this is a data strategy.


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A good data strategy is one that is fully aligned with the needs and goals of the organization.
So there is no golden formula that can be used as a blueprint for the perfect data strategy.
However, there are fixed ingredients that ensure that you can create a good data strategy (see image) and that we at Data Science Lab use to achieve your goals.
We first map the ambition, perform a maturity scan and help you achieve your goals.
In the upcoming series of blogs, we’ll take you through how to develop a good data strategy.

Data ambition

In our next blog, my colleague Job Gawel (Data Scientist and data strategist) will tell you all about data ambition.
Stay tuned!


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Questions? Please contact us


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